Water heaters are one of the hardest working parts of any home. However, most people don’t know what to look out for in a malfunctioning hot water system. Unfortunately, Brisbane plumbers see broken and malfunctioning hot water systems every day. So, here are some signs you can look out for if you suspect your hot water system is malfunctioning.

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1 – Strange Water Colour

When your hot water is murky, it might be a sign that your hot water heater is going bad. One common issue could be a failing hot water system, often indicated by discolored water. Sediment buildup in the tank, or a worn-out anode rod, can cause this problem. If you notice signs your hot water isn’t clear, consider checking the anode rod or consulting a Brisbane plumber. Sometimes, the solution might be investing in a new hot water heater, especially if cold water is the only thing flowing when it should be hot.

2 – Temperature

If you suspect a failing hot water heater, look for signs your water heater might be struggling, like inconsistent temperatures. Sometimes you may need to adjust the water heater’s thermostat; however, if you are constantly doing this, there may be something wrong with your water heater. Issues like malfunctioning heating elements can lead to water heater failure.

For those using tankless water heaters, the absence of a large water heater tank can prevent some common issues, but they are not immune to problems. Regular maintenance can help avoid the costly replacement of hot water heaters. If you have multiple hot water heaters or suspect a failing hot water heater, it’s essential to address these issues promptly.

3 – No Water At All

If you turn the tap to hot water, but no water comes out, there is likely something wrong with the heater element in your hot water system. Generally, having a Brisbane plumber change the heating element will fix it. However, in some cases, it may be something completely different. In this instance, a Brisbane plumber will inform you about the best course of action.

4 – Noises

Generally, hot water systems shouldn’t be making any noise, so noises can be a sign something is wrong. If you hear any banging or rattling noises, there may be a build-up of dirt and debris within the hot water system or a broken heating element. Whatever the case, call a Brisbane plumber for assistance. Also, most of these problems can be avoided with regular servicing. So, make sure you have a Brisbane plumber maintain your hot water system regularly. 

5 – Puddles near the water heater

Water around your hot water system may indicate there is a leak. The challenge is, when the metal has cooled, the inner tank will stop leaking. So, you may not immediately see a leak. Regardless, if there is water around your hot water system, you should call your local Brisbane plumber. Holding off may only make it worse. 

Have concerns about your water heater?

If you’re experiencing any of these issues, call The Brisbane Plumber. We’re available 24/7 for emergency plumbing and general plumbing. Plus, we’re experts in hot water systems of any kind. So, whether it’s a minor leak or you’ve got no hot water, call The Brisbane Plumbers on 0450 932 850.